UT Grants & Loans
Financial assistance to start or grow your business in the UTs
What are TIF Grants & Loans?
Washington County offers a grant and loan program through the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for the Unorganized Territories.
This is funded through deferred property taxes from the Stetson I & II wind-farms outside of Danforth. A portion of the wind-farm property taxes are returned to Washington County each year. These funds are to be used for economic development and job creation in the Unorganized Territories.
Download the Application Forms:
Washington County, Maine
Businesses must be located within the blue area shown in the map to the right in order to qualify for the UT Grants and Loans Program.
Available Loans & Grants
Low Interest Loans
Loans of up to $250,000 with terms of up to 15 years are available for businesses.
Economic Development Planning Grants
These grants provide up to $10,000 to hire outside consultants to plan for a business startup, expansion or feasibility studies.
Economic Development Implementation Grants and
Nature-based Tourism Grants
Economic Development Implementation Grants of upto $10,000 are available for business improvements or expansion and require a minimum of 2 to 1 match with loan funds.
County Match Grants
Grants made available to government or non-profit applicants that propose planning or implementation activities that are consistent with goals of the County Development Plan in the UTs.
TIF Grants Distributed
Worth of Grants
Worth of Loans
Direct Economic Investment
TIF Grant Program Requirements
The UT TIF Business Assistance Program requires the business to be located within the Washington County UTs. For-profit, non-profit and home-based businesses may apply for funding. The applicant may be a new business or existing business with plans to expand. Emphasis is placed upon job creation and/or retention.
The UT TIF Program has provided assistance with:
- Startup, Expansion and diversification of home-based businesses
- Marketing and equipment for value-added food producers
- Farm Infrastructure
- Public Access and tourism opportunities
- Planning and Feasibility Studies
- Improved Communications for businesses and communities
Get Your Loans Right Now!
The TIF Grant & Loan program offers commercial loans with competitive interest rates and flexible terms in addition to grant opportunities for project planning, acquisitions & capital expenditures.